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Manohar. R (Manu)
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+91 9845549026
Posted date: 18 Tue, Mar 2014 – 07:36:57 AM

When I get up in the morning and open my eyes as long as my eyes can reach I want to see the green land’ – This is the first major condition the beautiful and bubbly actress Shuba Punja puts for her marriage.

Further explaining on the farmer she wants to marry actress Shuba Punja says he should own at least 25 acres of land, give food for six cows, two buffalos, and six dogs and take care of me. When I get married from my house all these follow my husband house. My expense for the month is not so much. I rarely go to shopping and whether to act in cinema or nor depends on the farmer husband says Shuba Punja speaking to three journalists who spoke to her at Citadel Hotel in Bangalore.

Shuba Punja is fond of cows and street dogs.  Adjacent to her house there is open place and that is where she gives food and shelter for animals.

So any farmer from any part of Karnataka could approach this beauty. It is not dowry giving but dowry in other form from this actress to the bridegroom.

The decision of Shuba Punja is firm and she is upset with the cow Lakshmi that is missing from her eyes. Lakshmi is aged and it was forcibly given injection to conceive. That could not happen and she lost blood. All these developments happened without my knowledge and now it is missing worries actress Shuba Punja.

‘Kotigond Love’ is the recent film Shuba Punja has completed and Rakesh Adiga is her counterpart. She was speaking to a few media friends at the media address of her another Kannada film with Prashanth ‘Chiraayu’.

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