Title – JAI LALITH, Banner – Indira Productions, Producers – Indira, Arunkumar and Manjula Shanker, Direction – P Kumar, Music – Sridhar Sambram, Cinematography – Karunakar, Cast – Sharan, Harish Raj, Ravishanker, Disha Pandey, Sadhu Kokila, Chandrakala Aishwarya Devan, TS Nagabharana and others.
Except for the length of the film and director P Kumar claiming credit for story of this film there is no complaint about this lengthy entertainer.
Sharan in his third after Rambo is likely to hit a hat trick. The second half pruning is required. Doing this kind of role for a very popular actor it requires guts and determination. Of course Sharan has involvement but managing in the voice to make it look female is a grand effort from this actor.
The story of this film and narration of this film takes a long time. As Jairaj he is duped with a huge amount by Patel and he is sentenced to imprisonment. On the other side two opportunists Yogaraj and Lakshmikanth dupe the drama theatre owner and fix a deal with Patel. Patel has an eye on the land of this drama theatre. So the good and bad are connected to drama theatre.
Jairaj who left his father profession to studies is made to accept grease paint because of the situation. As Yogaraj is interested in gobbling huge property of his father, it is Lakshmikantha bring in Lalitha – that is none other than Jairaj. Why Jairaj come here as Jai Lalitha? It is to come closer to the shady deals, escape police and get his father from criminals.
With variety of female costume and looking very beautiful Jai Lalitha is attracted by a cop and his daughter happens to be his girl friend. In the house where Jai Lalitha lives a few more are ready to propose.
Sharan is fantastic in female get up. His grit, involvement and dedication are appreciable. He is also a good audience and should have trimmed the length of 149 minutes and 02 seconds of the film.
Harish Raj, Ravishanker Gowda, Ramakrishna, Tabla Naani, Sadhu Kokila, Sayyaji Shinde given very good performance. Among heroines Disha Pandey looks sexy and appealing. Aishwarya Devan has a long way to go.
The beginning and ending – a song on Kannada and a song on Kannadiga Enivaga…are well done by Sridhar Sambram like the other two tunes in the film.
A very near and competent work has come from Karunakar.
It is not too late. The film could be slashed 20 minutes. It has wholesome entertainer qualities.