After three consecutive remake films (My Autograph, No 73 Shanthinivasa and Yee Shathamanadha Veera Madhakari) the stylish actor of Kannada cinema Sudeep is showing attention at the original film that is ‘Just Math Mathalli’.
Produced by Shanker the film ‘Just Math Mathalli’ is a light hearted romantic film says Sudeep who plays a singer in this film. The film unit is now moving to Germany for 10 days of talkie portions said Sudeep.
While Sudeep plays an introvert in the film the extrovert of this film ‘Just Math Mathalli’ is charming Ramya. Ramya plays Thanu in the film.
It was exactly just matha mathalli with RJ Vinayak Joshi this title cropped and Sudeep promptly thanks Vinayak Joshi for this title. It is after meeting with Rohith and Raghu Dixit Sudeep further developed the contents for the film. Producer Shanker joined later for this project going on since one and half years. The major portion of this portion is shot in Sakleshpur. Arun Sagar besides playing a role has done a good work in the art department lauded Sudeep.
Nanjunda the dialogue writer of this film appreciated the crystal clear ideas in Sudeep. This is a clear and clean script and it is similar to what I say ‘Kathe Kattabeku’. Let Sudeep do more original scripts disclosed Nanjunda.
I have seen a different Sudeep in this film says Arun Sagar, actor Rajesh liked the transparency in the job of Sudeep and the interest he shows to small things is wonderful. I play Adhi role in this ‘Kanasugara’ Sudeep film. Screenplay is very sweet said Rajesh famous in small screen.
Manohar. R.(Manu),
Photo Journalist
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