Tushar Ranganath the powerful dialogue writer in the camp of Ramu Enterprises has finished his maiden directorial venture ‘Ghulama’ in the specified time and raw stock of 80000 feet. On the other hand Ramu Enterprises the cherished another project ‘Kiran Bedi’ has 25 days shooting balance and it is surely going to be a record feet of raw stock to crank informs producer Ramu. That is Om Prakash Rao style. He will touch 2 lakh feet of negatives and it would call nearly one crore for a processing money at the lab he says hitting at his fate.
A veteran in the field of cinema Ramu points to lack of discipline in the film makers today answering a question. Just 2 crores of rupees are nothing for a producer today. Most of the producer loses money and increase number of films is not having the sufficient theatres in Karnataka. Look at 600 plus theatres for five languages in Karnataka while 4000 theatres in Andhra Pradesh explain Ramu.
Firstly I have made the subject very tight and interesting. Then after hearing the subject Ramusir did not say anything all the requirement is fed disclosed Ranganath. When I saw the film at the editing table I felt happy. There are at least 15 new artists in this film.
Taking out from the dream song shot at Mysore Lamps dilapidated factory actor Prajwal Devaraj feels it is very interesting to work with a good script. Whatever imagined from a good film it is all there in this film says Prajwal. Prajwal has the right body language for his height. He has long innings to play in cinema in any kind of dance complimented Chinni Prakash at the media address