With heaps and bounds of love for Kannada language producer Mahendra Munoth released his Kannada film ‘Auto’ once again in the theatres after seeing a fairly good opening in the 50 days run of ‘Auto’ in the first release.
On the first day of Kannada Rajyotsava producer Mahendra Munoth made the film free for the viewers at Menaka theatre and very affectionately offered sweets to the media persons. He has also honored the Kannada leaders too on the occasion of Kannada Rajyotsava.
A medical shop owner in Vijayanagar Mahendra Munoth hails from Gujarat ‘Auto’ with caption Wheels ‘N’ Bottles is directed by Mallikarjuna Mathalgeri.
Munoth’s younger brother Hansaraj is also a pharmacist in Vijayanagar and he is also the producer of ‘Ku Ku’ a children adventure film. Vikky and Vinu – son and daughter of Hansaraj are in the key roles of this film.
Manohar. R.(Manu),
Photo Journalist
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