The super hit Kannada film of ‘Gaja’ producers Suresh Gowda and Srinivasamurthy are making the biggest venture in the career of No.1 star power star Puneeth Rajakumar and hat trick director Prem. According to producer Srinivasamurthy who was present at the media briefing on Monday afternoon at the ‘Raaj-The Showman’ at Mysore there is no limit on the budget of this movie. Getting two pivotal personalities Puneeth Rajakumar and Prem is a great blessing for out production house. Our banner knows only in spending on the requirement asked by the director and we are very sure the spending is in the right direction. The reason why no budget limit has been fixed is because the style of making of this cinema is very rich and director knows what should come on screen. Our planning is huge and so everything looks lavish says Srinivasamurthy.
In this film ‘Raaj-the showman’ I am tension free. Earlier film I used to run around for permissions. In this every responsibility is taken up director Prem and his team. No tension no BP – the Bindhaas style the shooting is going on says Srinivasamurthy.
Looking handsome in his build and complexion Srinivasamurthy was asked why he is not playing an important role in his film. I am not aware of acting and that is not my profession he frankly admitted.
However he is extremely happy with the shaping up of this film and it would be a fantastic film for the people of Karnataka from our banner Seethabhaireshwara Productions. The film is all set for release in Pongal next year.
‘Raj-the showman’ is traveling to three or four countries to capture the songs in the exotic locations. One song in Mysore, one in Bangalore, one in Madikeri and one in Kerala plus the remaining will be shot in abroad.