One of the four producers and actor of ‘Team’ Kannada film that went on the floors on 29th of February this year Devadatta died in a road accident on Monday evening in Mysore ring road. He was riding a motorbike when the state owned bus dashed against him around 11 am. The 35 years young Devadatta has a son aged 9 years and wife. With great curiosity and interest he jumped into film acting and production and finished 80 portions of his film.
The team of ‘Team’ is filled with sorrow. Ramesh Reddy is another partner of this film while two others names have not been disclosed. The film ‘Team’ directed by Maheshwar starred Devadatta, Narayanaswamy, Vishal, Raju, Anshu (Lakshmi Musuri), Teena Ponnappa, Roshani and others.
29th February 2008 - ‘TEAM’ film muhurut – Director Maheshwar, Producer Ramesh Reddy and Devadatta – Kanteerava studio – Devadat, Narayanaswamy, Vishal, Raju, Anshu (Lakshmi Musuri), Teena Ponnappa, Roshani.