Showing exemplary style and substance in ‘Jhoot’ Kannada film direction S. Govindu after ‘Rajakumari’ growing moustache that was looking the sky kept quiet for sometime. He is now moving to television world for 500 episodes Kannada mega serial.
After proving mettle in direction even his brother the great director and producer now S Narayan also moved to television world from ‘Parvathi’ and reaches the pinnacle from various other television serials.
Govindu not able to get producers for his scripts has finally landed up with a contract with Udaya TV for 500 episodes Kannada television serials. He has five tentative titles and deciding on it soon.
Palan V Productions is making this television serial. Siri, Narayanswamy, Veena Sunder, Venkat Rao, Udayaprakash are some of the small screen big stars acting in S Govindu television serial direction.