The double standard and backtrack attitude of director of TS Nagabharana the Chairman of Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy earned him slogan shouting ‘down down Nagabharana’ on Monday afternoon as 20 plus directors of Kannada cinema took part in protest.
Why Nagabharana was asked to get down from KCA? He is not able to do justice to the statement he has made that is recorded in the director’s association meeting.
What is the statement? Nagabharana has told Dr Jayamala instructed the information department not to send invitation to directors and it is enough if they send the invitation to artists.
The directors in the last month came to protest at the film chamber but Dr Jayamala categorically remarked that she did not say anything of that sort.
But on Monday morning some of the directors inquired on this issue once again with T.S.Nagabharana. He said he is ready to come to KFCC and say what Dr Jayamala has said prior to State awards presentation regarding the invitation issue.
What happened on Monday 3rd May 2010? Nagabharana came and his colleagues went to KFCC where Dr Jayamala was sitting. Nagabharana took his colleagues by surprise. Dr Jayamala has not told like that he said and disappointed everyone.
For this double standard attitude adopted by Nagabharana his own colleagues of the directors fraternity shouted slogans and asked Nagabharana to step down from the office of Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy.