For the first time in the last five months Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana met the media persons at her residence in Jayanayar Fourth Block on Wednesday afternoon. I don’t believe he is not around. Every day at the sharp 7 pm I ask to myself why he has come from shooting. I feel he has gone abroad for a long trip and take me also one day. I am living with such beliefs. Every activity in the house is according to what he has thought and decided when he was alive.
The film ‘Aptha Rakshaka’ is absolutely for fans and it is they who made success. The social work from Dr Vishnuvardhana charitable trust is going on regularly and it will sit with the trust to be formed by the Karnataka government. Chief minister BS Yediyurappa, information minister Khatta Subramania Naidu and Ambarish have decided on the memorial. The sanction what the government has made for the memorial is spent on the memorial and we have no right on it. What donations we get also go to the trust. I am also looking at the grand standing statute.
As of now the fans of Dr Vishnuvardhana are not finding it right for the treatment to the film ‘Aptha Rakshaka’. They are not happy with the posters looking very bleak.
We would continue with the traditions set in by my husband Dr Vishnuvardhana. There will be no changes. We expect the same love and affection Dr Bharathi made a humble speech.