The pride of Kannada cinema actor Srinivasamurthy who is facing strictures from the session court verdict of imprisonment on Friday has decided to go to the High Court. The case is related to the forgery happened in 1987.
The session court on Friday upheld the case but actor Srinivasamurthy has decided to approach the High Court to get proper justice. He spoke to this correspondent from Mysore where he was shooting for a Kannada film.
In 1987 KNRT Enterprises produced ‘Bala Nauke’. Related to this film financial understandings it seems Srinivasamurthy forged the signature of producer Muralikrishna. A case was filed in KFCC the Apex Body and at 6th session court. In 2007 the 6th session court ordered three years imprisonment but it was question.
Now the session court also upholding the case against Srinivasamurthy the actor is moving to High Court.