‘I have learnt how to give the feel on screen from director like Vijaya Reddy and continuing it’. That is my favorite. Putting the trolley and going close in camera to the actors getting the expressions is what I like. Mahesh Babu has hit two and half century as a matter of fact. His debut Akash and Arasu clicked and it ran for 100 days and his third ‘Meravanige’ ran for 50 days in 10 centers and in one center it ran for 75 days. The success he expected did not come because of rain, bomb blast in Bangalore. Another notable point he makes is that he should have released the ‘Meravanige’ film even before ‘Gange Bare Thunge Baare’. The impact of GBTB in the box office had effect on ‘Meravanige’ feels this feel full director on Kannada director.
Hailing from Kollegal a student of JSS in Mysore Mahesh Babu has bought a site in Mysore on old student quota and contemplating of constructing a house. He does not like remakes to make it fast the construction. What feeling will be there for a director to give ‘Makki Ka Makki’ he asks. The only best remake director according to him is D.Rajendra Babu. For me nothing should be there as a bench mark. When I think of a scene for my film I would narrate it five persons around and then go for taking a shot Mahesh Babu explained his style of directing.
For the eight months old girl baby he is going according to the wishes of his mother to keep the name. It is now decided to keep the name as Nimishambika. The main thing in his family side he concentrates is that we should not perturb the sentiments of elders. It is there everywhere but giving preference to mother sentiment is important for me. After my daughter grows it is natural that the name change either as Nimmy or Namana etc says Babu.
On the technological growth in Kannada cinema Mahesh Babu says we have to grow a lot. The equipments result on Kannada screen is not seen is a major worrying factor he agrees. That is not in our hands to set right the theatres yet that is a major factor for giving attention to the audiences. He has worries in his mind on the lack of screening of Kannada films in our own regions. For Telugu films the abroad rights itself fetch more than one crore he says.
Completing ‘Paramesha Panwala’ he is now taking up his fifth film for Darshan. He has analyzed the comedy ability in Darshan and giving some addition to Darshan’s already available stature. This film will go on the floor in December.
What is ‘Paramesha Panwala’ all about? The protagonist gives good and bad pan according to the situation. For him there is an aim to fulfill. On these aspects the film ‘PP’ is all about added Mahesh Babu.