Hat trick hero Shivarajakumar signed three films at one spot at the shooting time of ‘Mylari’ at Chitrakala Parishat on Tuesday. He is now 105 in numbers eagerly waiting for a big break from films like ‘Cheluveye Ninne Nodalu’ and ‘Thamassu’. ‘Thaamssu’ with slogans like ‘Ram and Rahim Shaithans We don’t want’ is going to censor on 15th of this month. It is slated forrelease on 28th of this month.
On July 12th happy birthday of Shivarajakumar ‘Cheluveye Ninne Nodalu’ is releasing and ‘Jogaiah’ is commencing the shooting. ‘Jogaiah’ the home production of director Prem and Rakshita is a strong political dosage besides the underworld in the film. It seems a number of real life politicians are acting in ‘Jogaiah’. In ‘Kariya’ of Prem a dozen underworld dons appeared on the screen.
Coming to hat trick of signatures Shivarajakumar in between the shooting of ‘Mylari’ signed for ‘Kshatriya’ for director Badri and producers are from Hyderabad. ‘Jogaiah’ film finalization discussion was held at this place and third producer to meet Shivarajakumar is Kumaraswamy who paid the advance and got the dates confirmed from the actor.
Shivarajakumar on signing spree did not stop at it. He spoke to Edakallu Chandrasekhar and heard the script immediately signed the call sheet next day for a tentatively titled Kannada film ‘Belli’.
The gates of fortune opened for Shivarajakumar long back despite of hits and flops. Apparently his last hit film was ‘Santha’ two years ago.