The top star Upendra wife actress Priyanka, talented actor Vijaya Raghavendra and ‘Haage Summane’ Kiran are part of the Zee Kannada ‘Kanasina Kanmani’ where 12 girls will be facing the stiff competition to become the perfect bride. This will be telecast on Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm in Zee Kannada.
To become a perfect bride the 12 girls selected will have to undergo different examinations. This will be directed by Shreyas who has the work experience in the Yogaraj Bhat camp. I am 22 but don’t know whether I will fall in love looking at the 12 girls and break my self declaration not to marry for three years.
Divya has derived the concept working on it for six months. Everyone wants dream girl but how a dream girl that is bride should be is what we are arriving. Three level of audition was held to select the 12 contestants. We are not assuring any marriage but they will find it fit to be a wife.
Actress with charm still in tact and physique fit even to play the heroine Priyanka Upendra says perfect bride ‘Kanasina Kanmani’ is her second television reality show. Managing everything in life for the bride is what very important she disclosed.
The surprise of ‘Kanasina Kanmani’ is regular entry of good looking actor Kiran. This is Santoor sponsored ‘Kanasina Kanmani’.