Hat trick hero Shivarajakumar and ‘Ram’ (Tagaru in Kannada) imported from Devar Films Chennai for a special fight and a few sequences is shot at a red soil set arranged for the film ‘Mylari’ after the villain John Kokken and heroine of the film Sada (brother and sister in the film) taking an entry to Sri Ranganatha Swamy temple at Sri Rangapatna on sunny Monday afternoon.
Ramming Shivarajakumar by a Ram was captured in the midst of people surrounding. Thriller Manju directed the stunt sequence and convincing the Ram in the beginning was not so easy.
Along with the main powerful Ram there were two substitutes brought from Chennai for six days shoot. The main Ram lives in the villain John Kokken family in the family.
The six days expenses of three Rams, a doctor and two assistants, transportation charges, food comes to Rs.1 lakh for producer Kanakapura Srinivas. Devar Films has almost all the animals that can be used for films. All of them are trained ones.
It may be recalled in Dr Rajakumar ‘Bangaradha Panjara’ Mylari was the name of the Ram. Now ‘Mylari’ is the name of the film for RS Productions.
There is need of an elephant for the film ‘Mylari’ that has completed 75 percent of the shoot. That elephant is brought from Tumkur to Srirangapatna. It is used for the blessings in the film. The Tumkur Dr Rajakumar Fans Association is bringing this elephant and a procession of the elephant with Dr Rajakumar Silver Statue on it. The expenses for bringing the elephant the transportation is charged and the work of elephant is free of cost.
‘Ram’ is also one of the dimensions in the film. There are many deviations to the film and the portion of ‘Ram’ is quite interesting says Shivarajakumar. A message is also passed in the film that sacrificing animal is wrong. When the situation of sacrificing ‘Ram’ come in the film the protagonist Shivarajakumar adopts it and takes it to his home.
Jai Ho Maneka Gandhi!