The fourteen years multifaceted Shriya Dinakar has arrived to strike the attention of the Universe. It is not because she has directed and acted two hours 30 minutes film ‘Billion Dollar Baby’ but she is taking up the biggest adventure in Russia that is a part of the film which she has almost completed. This adventure in Russia and European countries cost Rs.2 crores and this is sponsored one for the film project.
Shriya Dinakar a student of National School of Excellence feels directing the film is possible only because of the support of her parents and team of the film ‘Billion Dollar Baby’. She has shot 25 percent in her school in the last Christmas festival later in her apartment, a nature song in a village location. The important scene of Shriya getting down in Mars Planet is shot in Kolar gold fields. Her sole ambition in life is to travel the Mars Planet and she wants to be the first women of the universe.
Shriya Dinakar father Mr Giriraju Dinakar addressing the media at Dwarakapuri in ISKCON temple in Bangalore highlighted the qualities of the film for which he has invested Rs.80 lakhs already.
The child and parent care, the disturbance when scorings is not uniform in education for children, the global warming issue, the flying machine plus the commercial aspect in the film are constituents of this film ‘BDB’.
A national integration song of 10 minutes that has seven types of traditional dances in seven languages was shot in five days. There is a Russian Ballet, English song I want to fly in the sky….are part of the nine songs scored by Vijay Srinivas.
Another great thing about this BDB is that the proceeds will be given to Abdul Kalam Foundation.