A small friction has cost Rs.45 lakhs worth assignment for 40 days shoot for lovely star Premkumar. He has drawn away from the film just two days before is an old matter. But the fact is that he wanted to be in every frame of this women oriented subject ‘Prema Chandrama’ that too showing his physique.
With not much of ‘Kitthatta’ he has come out from the team but the loss is for him. Sagging image and posing that he is too busy with a false prestige Premkumar wrong step would keep him tight inside the four walls is what this Nenapirali hero should know.
Shahuraj Shindhe making it clear said he has not fought with Premkumar. This type of development should not happen is what he says. I thank my fortune because Raghu Mukerjee accepted this offer. Other wise everyone would have been in sad stage because of last minute opting out of Premkumar stated Shindhe.
Ganesh one of the four producers pacified Premkumar that the designing work done for the film does not suit out subject. If this kind of difference of opining mounts up it is not possible. I would opt out said Premkumar producer Ganesh made it clear once again.