Repetition of titles in Kannada cinema history has now become routine. The five decades old Kannada film ‘School Master’ of B.R.Panthulu (in which thespian late Shivaji Ganeshan also played a role) is now kept as the title for Dr.Vishnuvardhana, Suhasini, Devaraj starring Kannada film that is directed by Dinesh Baboo. The film till the last leg of post production was kept as ‘Master’ by director Dinesh Baboo. Now he makes us to go back to history.
What is interesting is that the ‘School Master’ remake is ‘E Bandhana’ that was released last year Dr Visnuvardhana starred in that film with Jayaprada and Darshan.
Now this ‘School Master’ is the latest version of ‘Master’ made for Golden Lion Film production. C.R.Manohar is the producer of this film.