The soft spoken cameraman of repute in Kannada cinema Shekar Chandru who is currently doing cinematography for Golden star Ganesh ‘Madhuve Mane’ has entered his new ‘New Mane’ at Hegde Nagar at Dr Shivaramakaranth Layout that is on the way to Yalahanka. The house of Chandru now is situated 15 kilometers away from Vidhana Soudha.
Coming up in stages of hard path in life Chandru struggled for twenty rupees in life. He bought this site long ago paying Rs.2 lakhs. Now building the two floor house the second one a duplex is living with his family members.
Shekar Chandru recent hit film as cameraman is ‘Krishnan Love Story’. He has also films like Punda, Circus and few others to his credit.
All the best Shekar Chandru, let everyone be ‘Dayalu’ in your professional career!