Chief Editor
Manohar. R (Manu)
Photo Journalist
+91 9845549026
Posted date: 3/September/2010

While it is similar to the court hall of kings for P Ramdas Naidu it is a different tale of story for another award winning director P Seshadri.

After watching the film ‘Moggina Jade’ that explains how the software guys are locked with huge loans when they get jobs was immensely liked by an employee of Infosys. He came up on stage after the screening at the discussion of the film and handed over Rs.3000 cash and Rs.2000 cheque to P Ramdas Naidu for doing a wonderful job in ‘Moggina Jade’.

Remembering this at ‘Chitravarsha’ Naidu said he was almost fainted with such magnanimity. Chitravarsha the year long Saturday and Sunday film screening of state, national and international festival participated films is a ‘Share Guarantee’ coined Naidugaru.

It is opposite the situation for P Seshadri who released ‘Vimukthi’ at Kailash theatre sometime ago. He had to pay theatre rent of Rs.42000 to get back his ‘Vimukthi’ but at Chitravarsha he pocketed Rs.8000 from one show at Suchitra Film Society.

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