Chief Editor
Manohar. R (Manu)
Photo Journalist
+91 9845549026
Posted date: 4/September/2010

More and more news of top people doing yeomen service is surfacing off late. The latest to the addition of list is noted producer, politician and hotelier Sandesh Nagaraj.

One day expenses of ‘Veera Bahu’ (starring Vijay and Nidhi Subbaiah in S Mahender direction) shooting Rs.1.70 lakh producer Sandesh Nagaraj set aside for releasing 9 jail birds in Mysore Jail who have completed their term but languishing in the prison for lack of making penal fee.

Feeling happy at such a work Sandesh Nagaraj said a few more in Mysore Jail whose penal fee is ranging between Rs.50000 to Rs.1 lakh.

From the team of ‘Veerabahu’ this is a social service done for the good life of nine citizens who have corrected in life said Sandesh.

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