The talented young director R Chandru of ‘Taj Mahal’ super hit film and moderate ‘Prem Kahani’ both starring Ajay as of now made the film ‘Milari’ starring Shivarajakumar and Sada ready for producer Kanakapura Srinivas has arranged for reception of his marriage with Yamuna on Saturday evening at KNS Convention center, Bengaluru Bellary NH 7 at Chikkajala near International airport.
The wedding is slated for 5th September 2010 in the morning 9.15 to 10.15 am.
For the reception on Saturday evening hat trick hero Shivarajakumar, Pooja Gandhi, Raghavendra Rajakumar, Sanjana, Ajay, Tarun, producer Kanakapura Srinivas, directors MS Ramesh, Mahesh Babu, Yogish Hunsur, Prashanth, lyricist Kaviraj, PRO Venkatesh, Vijayakumar were present.
The film industry guests were honored with shawl and garland by director R Chandru. wish R Chandru and Yamuna the newly wed couple a prosperous married life.