Director Nagashekhar has battalion of friends in the industry was evident at the audio release of his second directorial venture ‘Sanju Weds Geetha’. Super power star Puneeth Rajakumar, Yogish, Yogaraj Bhat, Soori, Basha, Umesh Banakar, Dinesh Gandhi, Dodmane Venkatesh, RS Gowda, Preetham Gubbi and various others took part in the audio release event. This is besides charming Ramya and cool Kitty with cameraman Sathya Hegde, Rangayana Raghu, Sahdu Kokila and others expect the music director Jaassie Gift as he was in abroad.
‘Sanju Weds Geetha’ is presented by actress Ramya. This was surprising but Nagashekar said for all the help even beating the chill weather in Ooty Ramya Madam deserves this honor. However Nagshekhar has intentions of releasing the film sometime in next month.
Actress Ramya has worked very hard for this film and this is the toughest film in my career. There were tankers but the natural rain was very absorbing for the shoot in Ooty. In fact Kitty tolerated the cold more. I had brought the rain coat and sweaters for my colleagues. The dedication the film deserved and emotional energy is also put in plenty stated Ramya.
One of the producer Pramod recalling the ‘Masala Dosai’ episode in Mysore thought the film would be over by Rs.60 lakhs but it gobbled Rs.4 crores. All the team members worked very well for the film he appreciated.
I don’t know how much of cigarette, beer, coffee I have spent while writing three songs for this film said Kaviraj. He has the full confidence of good results and he wants to be the No 1 for melody songs lyric writer.
Spending 31 nights without writing any song and later picking words in the mind a song has come out. Ravan Seetha Kadda Hooval Madidha flight nalli….was the song came out well said Nagendra Prasad.
Sadhu Kokila who is doing the rerecording for the film says give good ‘protsaha’ to this kind of film.
I have found the happiness of work and this will be a very good one says cameraman Sathya Hegde.
Rangayana Raghu the top notch today offered lovely flying kisses to lead actors and director as he was immensely happy with the work.
I did not knew the pattern of writing dialogues for a film but it was all adjusted by director Nagashekhar said Manjunath Sanjeev who took Rupee One as advance payment and written he dialogues.
Srinagara Kitty in his address recalled the seven years ago discussion he had with director Nagashekhar. Now the film is ready and it would capture the minds and surely it will be a good cinema he says.
Puneeth Rajakumar the super power star, Yogaraj Bhat, Soori all wished good success. Puneeth Rajakumar expressed he wants to be for a party of success of this film.