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I am a bull without direction
Posted date: 14/December/2010

Director Yogish Hunsur who has turned producer with Murali Meets Meera
says he has led his film career like a bull that charges without
direction. "There are two kinds of people here. Those like the bull
who charge at things like a bull and go after everything. And then
there are those like horses, who know where they are going. I am the
bull. To sustain and be in the running, I have to do keep doing
things. Once you begin your run, you cannot stop. I had two
illustrious relatives as film makers; Hunsur Krishnamurthy and
Dwarakish. I did not become as big as them. But I have to keep
running," he said for turning a producer and handing over direction to
Mahesh Rao. The film has Prajwal Devraj and Reema Vohra in the lead.

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