Setting all controversies related to this cinema you look at the ability of Ravindra HP Das he is doing a promising marketing tactic to attract the audiences to the theatres for his film ‘I am Sorry…Mathe Banni Pritsona’. At the cool way of audio release done by actor Premkumar and Anoopseelin producer cum director Ravindra has formed the strategy to go the colleges to conduct stage shows and give the cd’s of the film free. He has come with 15000 in the first print order and going for various districts. He is also asking the audience by vote via SMS whether they want Kuni Kuni….song or Subanallah….song for the film. On the basis of the vote he is shooting the song and adding it to the film.
There are 10 songs in this film that come for every fifteen minutes. The songs consume 25 minutes in the film.
Music director with high reputation Annop Seelin worried a bit for no takers of the album was waiting for months for the release of the album. The song you may not like after hearing would be definitely liked once it is seen on screen says Anoop Seelin.
Sanjaana says she is not playing the anchor but important role. Whether I am the heroine or Karishma Tanna you would know when you watch the film she informed.
Amricha Chabria one of the co artists of the film performed for the two songs after the audio release.