The supreme power star of Kannada cinema Puneeth Rajakumar had a huge attendance of his fans at RT Nagar residence. The occasion was Puneeth turned 36 . Puneeth Rajakumar had a special gift of a few puppies very sensitive foreign breed given by his fans. The cost of the dog was itself over Rs.1 lakh was presented after the cake cutting at his residence. The cake cutting started exactly at the dot of 12 in the night for Puneeth Rajakumar. Shivarajakumar, Raghavendra Rajakumar and Nagamma sister of Dr Rajakumar plus wife Ashwini, Smt Parvathamma Rajakumar, children of Puneeth Rajakumar joined the family cake cutting. Puneeth Rajakumar took blessing from Smt Nagamma.