One of the ardent cricket lover when he was living, left arm spinner and right hand batsman Dr Vishnuvardhana evolved Snehaloka and played cricket with all leading clubs in Bengaluru. He conducted various socially relevant camps and after his passing away the Rolling Trophy – Tennis Ball Cricket tournament for this year is taking place without fail from the leadership of Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana. Even the Karaoke is also continuing without break.
In a letter issued by Snehaloka President S.Shivaram it says the tournament will be inaugurated on 10th July 2011. All closets of late Dr Vishnuvardhana will be taking part.
The tournament will start at 10 am at Jayanagar National College playground on 10th of July. Ambarish is the patron of Snehaloka. Honorary President if Smt Bharathi Vishnuvardhana. Avinash and Anirudh are vice Presidents, Shobaraj is the secretary.