Using the most popular terminology of a film debutant Gurudarshan and his brother Srinidhi as director and producer respectively (Like siblings of Love Guru and Gaja Bhajana – Prashanth and Naveen) completed the shoot and come before the media at the audio release time.
A mechanical engineer by qualification Gurudarshan is a fan of Shivarajakumar like his brother, music director Hiten, hero of the film, Balu Nagendra. Like how the child steps up slowly I have taken birth in cinema. Lights, camera and action in cinema is like the heart beat of a person compared Gurudarshan in his shivering address to the media. There are some issues like why girls are not permitted to cinema and entire film is made with passion. It is not a horror and we have used two lines of some of the Kannada films. You better watch the movie and tell me he informed.
The confident looking at the audio release was music director young Hitan KT. Even Shivarajakumar appreciated before the audio release appreciated the confidence of this youngster. If my songs are good then you appreciate stated Hitan.
Youngsters should come up with confidence like this music director. Those who talk will not work. Gurudarshan belong to this category. Completing shoot in 25 days or 10 days is not the matter. How well is done is the point mentioned Shivarajakumar when he was told this film shoot has been completed in 25 days. Knowing from these guys I feel I am aged. Still I feel young always ready to work with newcomers with stuff stated Shivarajakumar.
The hero of the film Balu Nagendra disclosed that he is in his second film and director has precisely done what he has narrated. ‘Shrama Shradde’ needs encouragement he pointed. ARchana Reddy is the heroine of the film. Supporting actor in the film Vijay a theatre actor from Mysore is also a fans of Shivarajakumar.
Producer Srinidhi thanked Shivarajakumar for his presence and I would not forget this for the lifetime. Prominent directors MS Ramesh, Yogish Hunsur, actor cum director Gurudut were also present at the crowded audio release.