The challenging star of Kannada cinema now completely healthy according to Dr Shashidhar Buggi was brought to Parappana Agrahara Prison at around 2 pm today. Darshan was given the No.8993 and he was given the vacant place of former information minister of Karnataka Khatta Subramania Naidu.
Darshan stay in the prison would enable the lawyer Venkata Reddy to argue the case tomorrow at High Court for the bail. On two grounds Darshan has bright chances of getting bail says the sources. The complete squash of the case is also discussed and section 482 is moved in the High Court hall tomorrow.
It was on 9th September Darshan was brought to Parappana Agrahara after arrest he was given 9000 as badge number on assault on his wife by Vijayanagara Police for 14 days judicial custody. Within hours Darshan was shifted to the hospital from the prison on various health complaints.
Taking treatment for Asthma, lever complaint and others in 11 days he is now shifted to the prison with a new badge No.8993. Darshan shares the room with Junior Khatta and he has one more film personality Goverdhan Murthy who is shootout charge. Goverdhana Murthy has prodcued Kannada cinema 'Student'.