After moderate hit ‘Bhadra’ MN Kumar has announced ‘Rudra’ with the same team of director Mahesh Rao and actor Prajwal as hero but he has another interesting project on hand ‘Shanker Guru’ in the direction of Gurudut.
Chi Gurudut son of Chi Udayashanker has been picked for this film has some reasons. Chi Udayashanker was part of the film ‘Shanker Guru’ the block buster from Dakshayini combines in which Dr Rajakumar played triple role – father and two sons in 1978. Rajakumar (triple) Jayamala, Vaishali, Padmapriya, Kanchana and other played lead roles. V Somasekhar was the director of the film.
MN Kumar ‘Shanker Guru’ is not having any shades of Annavra ‘Shanker Guru’. It is about ‘Shanker and Guru’ two individuals. In a few days the two heroes will be decided says Kumar.