A day in advance the darling of glamour films actress Haripriya celebrated her birthday in the presence of her ‘Kiladi Kitty’ team, her mother and media friends on Friday 28th night at Green House Raj Milan in Bengaluru.
Haripriya of course a very beautiful heroine from the days of ‘Manasugala Mathu Madhura’ is known well in Telugu, Tamil and her mother land Kannada cinema industry.
Producer of ‘Kiladi Kitty’ Shivakumar organized for a chocolate cake for the sweet heroine Haripriya that was cut after the media briefing of ‘Kiladi Kitty’.
I am 1991 born Haripriya said before anyone shot a question on her age. Haripriya even asked the media friends to check with her mother.
The birthday of Haripriya is on 29th of October – Saturday. Happy birthday Haripriya and many happy returns for lovely Haripriya!