For the first time Kannada box office hero Vijay is making foray in to Tamil and Malayalam languages. The Tamil version will be dubbed. The film name is not titled. The formal address of the media took place Thursday evening at 37 Crescent Hotel.
Challenge Kannada film director Ganesh Kamarajan is producer with his realtor friends in Chennai. Nagaraj director of Aravindam, Vandhemataram Tamil films with dual heroes is director of this film. He is known as Aravindam Nagaraj in Tamil Nadu.
According to producer Ganesh Kamarajan it is Rs.20 crores budget. It will be shot in three languages separately. It is a multilingual. One more hero of this film will be either ‘ATHARVA OR JAI’ according to sources.
The subject is about underworld backdrop that is universal to all Indian languages.
Nagendra Prasad is looking after dialogues and lyrics part of the film. Randy alias Rathnavelu is cameraman of this trilingual film and Yuvan Shanker Raja is music composer. Both have worked for Kannada films in the past.
50 percent of this film will be shot in Italy and Venice. Two of the action portions are handled by Hollywood stuntmen.
For me language is not important but acting. I am an Indian first. Tamil and Malayalam will not be difficult for me stated Vijay. I would do complete justice – Kannadammana Aane! In Karnataka shooting will be held in Madikeri and Mysore.
Director Nagaraj is used to double hero’s films in his career. He is confident of a good commercial film.