Dhaneshwari Film Studio situated opposite HV Petrol Bunk in Nandini Layout the brainchild of Abhilash KY is on a good progress with experience in tact.
Acquiring knowledge in Hyderabad and Mumbai Abhilash developed his studio in the month of November 2012. It was inaugurated by Basanthkumar Patil. Kannada film ‘Rambo’ one of the songs and the recent ‘Kannadada Kotyadhipathi-2’ trailer were recorded in this studio.
From a camera equipment to final process of the stored film the post production work will be done at this studio.
DFS – Dhaneshwari Film Studio is possessed with all needed for the present day’s film making to present it in a competitive style. Digital grading, visual effects, computer graphics, color grading non linear editing, VFX 3D animation, DI for 2 and 4 K, Red HD, video, film and video editing, smoke online editing.
The studio applicable for cinema, Corporate and Ad films is currently processing the Kannada film ‘Ishta’.
Dhaneshwari studio has tie up with Renu Recording Studio of Renukumar, music director and Sthayi Studio of another music director Rajesh Ramanathan.