Journalist colleague Vikas Negiloni is in ‘Shuba’ Ghalige. A collection of stories ‘Malegala Bandu Bagilu Thattithu’ by Vikas Negiloni was released on Sunday morning in a marathon speech filled book release event at Indian Institute of World Culture. Actress Shuba Punja was present at this triple book release.
‘Amma’ (Mother) is unforgettable and ‘Male’ (Rain) is always a welcome like mother. Vikas Negiloni has mixed both the admirable factors in his book deserves a huge chocolate to his height.
The speeches were obvious because two other books were released on the occasion. ‘Victoria Gowramma’ of CP Belliyappa and Dr JB Harish ‘Swami Vivekananda’ were released by stalwart writers Kum Veerabhadrappa and H Girish Rao (Jogi).
Popular daily newspaper colleague Vikas Negiloni book ‘Malegala Bandu Bagilu Thattithu’ consists of 11 stories is an intimate and indigenous in its contents disclosed H Girish Rao who is also colleague of Vikas Negiloni in Udayavani daily. There are no western thoughts and feel of ‘Amma’ in Vikas book deserves compliments sated Girish Rao.
Kum Veerabhadrappa known as stormy writer and speaker said we don’t have writers like Kuvempu and Bendre. We have to satisfy with the writers of today and they have to go deep in to the subjects. The mind to take up positive and negative should be cultivated he felt.