Although the figures are inflated that in the 12 days Lakshmi Kannada film has collected Rs.7.5 crores – since it has come from producer of Bharani Minerals Bhasker one has to believe it.
With new ‘Lakshmi’ in the theatres it is a trimmed one by 20 minutes. It looks more fast paced cinema says Raghav Loki. We have given due respect to media and people comment to incorporate changes. The courage of producers Bharani Minerals Bhasker and Adhinarayana was appreciated by director of ‘Lakshmi’ Loki. Without harming the flow the corrections have been made says Loki.
Producer Bhasker is very happy at the moment. He has received seven phone calls from people saying how it was possible to take social issues so fast. The fact is that Bhasker made the story two years ago. CBI character and terrorism with black money are heard off late.
Gurukiran has got a pat via Rs.1 lakh for the song Pussy Cat….sung by Chytra but unfortunately the song has been deleted in the wake of public and media response.
Bhasker offered a big thanks to fans of Shivarajakumar and Shivanna for making it big. From 169 theatres in the first week it is running in 120 theatres.