Smt.Vani Muralidhar presents ‘Anjadhiru’ Kannada film in the blessing of top actor of Kannada cinema Krishne Gowda has some lovely tunes scored by music director Sunder C.Babu. Thangali Nagaraj is Panchajanya from this film as lyricist.
The first song in the album Kannalle sketch Haaki…is sung by Nagesh, the song Devarasa Kainagidhu… is sung by LN Shastry, Preethi melodious one from ace singer Chitra, Manasalu Manasalu….is sung by Chytra, Bheethi Bidu….is sung y Hemanth for the film ‘Anjadhiru’.
Prashanth, Shuba Punj, Muralidhar, Adhi Lokesh, Dwarakish and others are in the cast of ‘Anjadhiru’.
Swarna Audio album attractively designed with good cover for the protection of CD is priced at Rs.45.