Ulaganayaka Dr Kamal Hassan at the Kannada chapter of Centenary Celebration of Indian Cinema by South Indian cinema wished that he is recognised as man of Karnataka.
The presence of Kamal Hassan made a wide difference to Kannada chapter of honor and cultural activities. I would have been here even if not invited to this function Kamal Hassan made it clear after honoring Dr girish Kasaravalli, KSL Swamee, SK Bhagwan, Vijaya Reddy and H:R: Bhargava.
Karnataka has been land of great actors and makers. My guru K Balachander used to come to Bangalore and watch Kannada films in those days. It was close to Bengali cinema. I want to see those days back to Kannada cinema. For livelihood it was place for me too. Centenary type of one roof and all like family should happen in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kerala and other places. Sarojamma and Bharathiji belong to both places. Thai Nagesh of your place was our man. Kamal Hassan gave affectionate hug only to Dr Girish Kasaravalli on stage and discussed with him for a few seconds. It seems he has invited Dr Girish Kasaravalli for a workshop he conducts on screenplay and direction.
Dr Kamal Hassan also released a handbook for producers on this occasion.