With one boy and six girls what else could be title other than ‘Santoshakke’ – it is left to your guess. A lab assistant in Appoli Hospital in Mysore Jeeva is now in cloud nine situation with first time producer and director Saravanadas picking him for lead role.
Jeeva has Soujanya in the first half while the second half he has Varsha, Bindu, Kavya, Sukanya and Pooja. ‘Santoshakke’ a rare story of 2014 has contents on face book and What’s Up good and bad.
With trailers and two songs Saravanadas with agriculture as business and group of friends support in Tirapattur has announced three films a year. On his first media address he has announced his next film ‘Khalas’. For Santoshakke he has shot for 25 days in Mysore, Melkote and Bengaluru. He has experience of work with Arun Prasad, Ravi Srivatsa and Amaranth directors.
The human being character is played by Soujanya in the film. She takes on ill will people who misuse face book and what’s up technology. He has shot for the film in 25 days at Mysore, Melkote and Bangalore.