Yet another opulent venture of producer S.V.Babu this time from S.V.Pictures ‘Sangama’ starring Golden Star Ganesh and Vedhika that has marvelous tunes from Devisriprasad is all set for release in 70 plus theatres in Karnataka and in a theatre Srilakshmi at Hosur in Tamil Nadu district where the popularity of Golden star Ganesh is very good. With 45 prints and 30 plus UFO system of screening the film ‘Sangama’ is hitting the silver screen on this 24 October.
Known for lavish making, disciplined thinking and dedication in the film entertainment business producer S.V.Babu explained that ‘Sangama is a very good Entertainment love subject film’. The film has extraordinary songs and capturing of it in the camera by Shekar Chandru is also tremendous he feels and says no compromise has been made on the quality of the film.
It is not only Dil Mange More…. but there will be not an iota of bore for all age group of audiences. The narration is different and compared to ‘Mungaru Male’ the film ‘Sangama’ is extremely on a lighter vein tickling the funny bones and at the same time making notable observations says Babugaru.
The beginning of ‘Sangama’ and ‘Josh’ saw the religious functions and after the first print before going to the censor for certification another ‘Homa’ was performed by S.V.Babu. The censor watching ‘Sangama’ said sounds in two places have to be muted. Other wise all the censor members hailed the film ‘Sangama’ as a neat family package recalls SV Babu.
‘Sangama’ will be released in Andhra Pradesh and abroad after a few weeks says SV Babu. Pal Chandani the veteran in the distribution section has made accurate arrangements for the release. There is some more demand for release of ‘Sangama’ that will be met in the alter days disclosed Babugaru.
It is now time for fireworks as the Deepavali festival is just a few days away. At the same time it is ‘Sangama’ treat for the entire family.