The hat trick director Pream who is on the verge of becoming a father (Actress wife Rakshita is delivering a child in November) celebrated his birthday on the sets of ‘Raj-The Showman’ at Pai Vista in Mysore on Wednesday evening.
Producer of the film Srinivasamurthy was also present with technicians of the film and actress Nisha Kothari was seen for some time after the cake cutting celebration was held.
Addressing the media on this occasion Prem disclosed that he is acting in his banner under a new director in April 2009. That is tentatively titled as ‘Mylari’. Malavalli Saikrishna is in the script and dialogue department for this film.
On the release day of ‘Raj – The showman’ on January 14 2009 director Prem is also announcing the ‘Jogi-Part II’.
What is news at this point of time from ‘Raj-The showman’ is that it is for the first time Prem shot in the Palace city and for a song in Kasargod he has used the Ultra Motion Control camera equipment that is tied to a mini bus to shoot.
Shooting in Mysore, Madikeri and Kasargod the unit of the film is set to go for abroad for talkie and songs portions.